Project Ordine – Chapter 4: Agent Aedus

Chapter 4 Aedus stepped into the rental car and set his phone back into the GPS holster. He checked Ammon’s phone and saw that it had a standard connection port. He took a cable and plugged both phones in together. “Command: Extract all data related to GPS and map data,” he spoke to his phone.ContinueContinue reading “Project Ordine – Chapter 4: Agent Aedus”

Avengers: Infinity War (Review)

Avengers: Infinity War is the latest in a long line of MARVEL films to date. As a sort of culmination of all the solo films, each Avengers title brings a great deal of hype. Infinity War, to this end, does not disappoint. Avengers impressively balances an ever widening cast of heroes, leveraging the build upContinueContinue reading “Avengers: Infinity War (Review)”

Project Ordine: Cover Reveal

Updated to reflect date change I recently created this new book cover for Project Ordine, which has an expected release of 28 February 2017. Each element is very important to the story, with a large portion of the story taking place in the city, helicopter action scenes, and another large portion taking place at sea.ContinueContinue reading “Project Ordine: Cover Reveal”